Christmas Party Invitation Letter Sample and Format

Invitation to relatives to spend Christmas

Dear Uncle Wilf and Auntie Flo,

George and I would love you to come and spend Christmas with us this year. We don’t see nearly enough of you and it would be a good opportunity to catch up on all the family news.

We would all go to Mum and Dad for Christmas lunch and on Boxing Day George’s parents will be coming for dinner. Apart from that, it will be just us and the kids and far too much to eat and drink!

If you can come-and we do hope you can-we suggest that you arrive for supper on Christmas Eve.


Accepting an invitation for Christmas

Dear Tony,
Thank you very much for inviting us to spend Christmas with you. We can’t imagine a nicer way to celebrate and we shall look forward to seeing you.

Auntie would like to bring a Christmas cake as our contribution. You know how much she loves baking and she has a treasured recipe handed down from her mother’s mother.

Traffic permitting, we should arrive about 7 pm on Christmas Eve.

With Dove
Uncle Wilf and Auntie Flo

Refusing an invitation for Christmas

Dear Tony,
It was very kind of you to ask us to spend Christmas with you. Sadly we shall not be able to come this year. As you know, Auntie Flo’s arthritis has been getting worse recently and she doesn’t feel that she can face the journey in winter temperatures, so we think it would be wise to spend the holiday quietly at home. If only you were nearer! We shall certainly be thinking of you and hope we can fix a get together in the summer.

With love,
Uncle Wilf and Auntie Flo

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